Owner manual

Parameter Description
The setting to return information about all of the virtual
disks in the storage array.
virtualDisk or virtualDisks
The name of the specific virtual disk for which you are
retrieving information. You can enter more than one virtual
disk name. Enclose the virtual disk name in square
brackets ([ ]). If the virtual disk name has special
characters, you also must enclose the virtual disk name in
double quotation marks (“ ”).
The setting to return a concise list of information about the
virtual disks.
For snapshot virtual disk copies, the show virtualDisk command returns information about the schedules for the
snapshot virtual disk copies. The schedule information is in this form:
Schedule State: "Active" | "Disabled" | "Completed"
Last Run Time: <mm/dd/yyyy> <hh:mm a.m. | p.m.>
Next Run Time: <mm/dd/yyyy> <hh:mm a.m. | p.m.>
Start Date: <mm/dd/yyyy> End Date: <mm/dd/yyyy> | "No End Date"
End Date:
Days of Week: <Sunday - Saturday>, <Sunday - Saturday>, ….
Times for snapshot recreate: <hh:mm a.m. | p.m.>, <hh:mm a.m. | p.m.>
Show Virtual Disk Action Progress
For a long-running operation that is currently running on a virtual disk, this command returns information about the
virtual disk action and amount of the long-running operation completed. The completed amount of the long-running
operation is shown as a percentage (for example, 25 means that 25 percent of the long-running operation is completed).
show virtualDisk ["virtualDiskName"] actionProgress
Parameter Description
Name of the virtual disk running the longrunning
operation. You must put quotation marks (" ") and brackets
([ ]) around the virtual disk name. The virtual disk name
and quotation marks must be inside the brackets.