CLI Guide

Parameter Description
maximum value for the scheduleInterval
option is 1440 minutes. For example:
Specific date to stop creating a snapshot virtual
disk and end the copy-on-write operations. The
format is MM:DD:YY, where MM is the month, DD
the day and YY the year. For example:
Use this option to prevent a scheduled copy-on-
write operation from ending. If you later decide to
end the copy-on-write operations, you must re-
enter the create snapshotVirtualDisk
command and specify an end date.
Number of times you want the snapshot schedule
to run in a day. For example, timesPerDay=4.
Specifies the time zone to use for the scheduling
operations, using one of the following values:
GMT±HH:MM—The offset from Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT), in hours and minutes. For
example, GMT-06:00 must be used to specify
Central Standard Time (CST).
Text string—A standard time zone text
string, in quotation marks. For example, "USA/
Chicago" or "Germany/Berlin". Time zone text
strings are case sensitive. If an incorrect text
string is used, or no text string is specified, the
default time zone is GMT. For example, CST
can be specified in two different ways:
timeZone=GMT-06:00 or timeZone="USA/
NOTE: To remove a schedule, use the delete virtualDisk command with the schedule
parameter. The delete command with the schedule parameter deletes only the schedule, not the
snapshot virtual disk. Ensure that you do not inadvertently delete the virtual disk itself.
NOTE: If you also use the scheduleInterval option, the lowest value of the timesPerDay
option and the scheduleInterval option is used. The value is determined by calculating an
integer value for the
scheduleInterval option. Divide 1440 by the scheduleInterval option
value that you set. For example, 1440/180 = 8. This value is then compared to the timesPerDay
integer value and the calculated scheduleInterval integer value; the smaller value is then used.
Set Consistency Group Attributes
This command defines the properties for a snapshot consistency group.