CLI Guide

Parameter Description
Amount of time, in minutes that defines a
minimum between two copy-on-write operations.
It is possible for you to create a schedule in which
you have overlapping copy-on-write operations
because of the duration of a copy operation. You
can ensure that copy-on-write operations
maintain a correct interval by using this option. The
maximum value for the scheduleInterval
option is 1440 minutes. For example:
Specific date to stop creating a snapshot virtual
disk and end the copy-on-write operations. The
format is MM:DD:YY, where MM is the month, DD
the day and YY the year. For example:
Use this option to prevent a scheduled copy-on-
write operation from ending. If you later decide to
end the copy-on-write operations, you must re-
enter the create snapshotVirtualDisk
command and specify an end date.
Number of times you want the snapshot schedule
to run in a day. For example, timesPerDay=4.
Specifies the time zone to use for the scheduling
operations, using one of the following values:
GMT±HH:MM—The offset from Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT), in hours and minutes. For
example, GMT-06:00 must be used to specify
Central Standard Time (CST).
Text string—A standard time zone text
string, in quotation marks. For example, "USA/
Chicago" or "Germany/Berlin". Time zone text
strings are case sensitive. If you enter an
incorrect text string, the default time zone is
Examples of code string for defining a schedule:
enableSchedule=true schedule startTime=14:27
enableSchedule=true schedule scheduleInterval=180
enableSchedule=true schedule timeZone=GMT-06:00
enableSchedule=true schedule timeZone="USA/Chicago"