CLI Guide

[capacity=capacityValue]))] [repositoryFullPolicy=(failBaseWrites |
purgeSnapImages)] [rollbackPriority=(highest | high | medium | low | lowest)]
[repositoryFullLimit=percentValue] [autoDeleteLimit=numberOfSnapImages]|
[enableSchedule=(TRUE | FALSE)] [schedule (immediate | snapshotSchedule)]
Parameter Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) that
you want to give the new snapshot group. Enclose
the snapshot group identifier in double quotation
marks (" ").
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of
the virtual disk that you want to use as the source
for your snapshot images. Enclose the source
virtual disk name in double quotation marks (" ").
The name of the repository virtual disk that
contains the snapshot group. Enclose the snapshot
repository virtual disk name in double quotation
marks (" ").
The repository virtual disk name is comprised of
two parts:
The term repos
A four-digit numerical identifier that you assign
to the repository virtual disk name
Defines how snapshot image processing continues
if the snapshot image repository virtual disk is full.
You can choose to fail writes to the base virtual
disk (failBaseWrites) or delete (purge) the
snapshot images (purgeSnapImages). The default
action is
Determines whether system resources should be
allocated to the rollback operation at the expense
of system performance. A value of high indicates
that the rollback operation is prioritized over all
other host I/O. A value of low indicates that the
rollback operation should be performed with
minimal impact to host I/O. The default value is
The percentage of repository capacity at which
you receive a warning that the snapshot image
repository virtual disk is nearing full. Use integer
values. For example, a value of 70 means 70
percent. The default value is 75.
The maximum number of snapshot images that
you want to automatically delete if you have