CLI Guide

To remove a schedule, use the delete virtualDisk command with the schedule parameter. The
delete virtualDisk command with the schedule parameter deletes only the schedule, not the
snapshot (legacy) virtual disk.
Create Snapshot Virtual Disk
This command creates a snapshot virtual disk for snapshot images of a base virtual disk. You can assign
the new snapshot virtual disk to an existing repository disk group or disk pool, or you can create a new
repository disk group or disk pool if one does not already exist.
NOTE: You cannot use this command for a snapshot image that is used in online virtual disk copy.
create snapVirtualDisk userLabel="snapVirtualDiskName" snapImageID="snapImageID"
[repositoryVirtualDisk="repos_xxxx" |
Parameter Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) that
you want to give to a snapshot virtual disk. Enclose
the snapshot virtual disk name in double quotation
marks (" ").
The alphanumeric identifier of a snapshot image
that you want to add to the new snapshot virtual
disk. The identifier of a snapshot image is
comprised of two parts:
The name of the snapshot group.
An identifier for the snapshot image in the
snapshot group.
The identifier for the snapshot image can be one of
An integer value that is the sequence number
of the snapshot in the snapshot group.
NEWEST - Use this option when you want to
show the latest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
OLDEST - Use this option when you want to
show the earliest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
Enclose the snapshot image name in double
quotation marks (" ").
The alphanumeric identifier of the repository virtual
disk has the snapshot image. All repository
identifiers have this form: repos_xxxx