CLI Guide

Product ID
Product revision
Serial number
Date of manufacture
Date and time to which the RAID controller module is set
Associated virtual disks (including preferred owner)
Ethernet port
Physical disk interface
show (allControllers | controller [(0 | 1)]) [summary]
Parameter Description
Returns information about both RAID controller
modules in the storage array.
Returns information about a specific RAID
controller module in the storage array. Valid RAID
controller module identifier values are 0 and 1. The
identifier value is 0 for the RAID controller module
on the top and 1 for the RAID controller module on
the bottom when viewed from the rear of the
enclosure. You must put brackets ([ ]) around the
RAID controller module identifier.
Returns a concise list of information about both
RAID controller modules in the storage array.
Show RAID Controller Module NVSRAM
This command returns a list of the NVSRAM byte values for the specified host type. If you do not enter
the optional parameters, this command returns a list of all NVSRAM byte values.
show (allControllers | controller [(0 | 1)]) NVSRAM [hostType=(
hostTypeIndexLabel | host="hostName")]