Administrator Guide

Blink drive
To toggle blink on a single drive:
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drive/<(index
| wwid)>?action=blink&toggle=<ON | OFF>
To toggle blink on all drives within a specified enclosure:
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drive/?
action=blink&toggle=<(ON | OFF)>
Update firmware
Table 32. Update firmware
Drive Update Query Syntax
Single drive with a firmware file
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/
enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drives/<(index |
wwid)>?action=update&File=<Path to firmware
Force an update to a single drive with a
firmware file
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/
enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drives/<(index |
wwid)>?action=update&File=<Path to firmware
Update all drives within a specified
enclosure with a firmware file
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/
enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drives?
action=update&File=<Path to firmware file>
Force an update to all drives within a
specified enclosure with a firmware file
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/
enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drives?
action=update&File=<Path to firmware
Update all drives within a specified
enclosure with a firmware file (multi-
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/
enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drives?
action=update&File=<Path to firmware
Single enclosure management module
(EMM) with a firmware file
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/enc/
<(index | wwid)>/emm/<(index|/wwid)>?
action=update&File=<Path to firmware file>
Validate firmware file
The following command provides the user with information about a specified firmware file:
[base_url]/?firmwarefile=<path to firmware file>