Administrator Guide

list physical enclosures -a = 1
list physical enclosures -a = 500abcdefgh12345
List drives
Shows the list of HDDs or SSDs and related information for the specified device. If no device is specified to obtain drives for, all drives
accessible by supported adapters in the local system are listed.
Command syntax
shmcli (list drives | listdrives | ld) ([-a=<(SAS WWID | AdapterIndex)>] [-enc=<(WWN |
EnclIndex)> [-w=<DrawerIndex>]] [-outputformat=<SupportedOutputFormats>] [-verbose] | -
enc=<WWN> [-w=<DrawerIndex>] [-outputformat=<SupportedOutputFormats>] [-verbose] | [-h])
Table 6. List hard disk drive
Parameter Description
Specifies the adapter used for the command. This is either SAS
WWID or I.
Specifies the enclosure used for the command. This is either WWN
or EnclIndex.
Specifies the drawer index used for the command.
Provides more information about the command, description, and
You can specify the following output formats: XML or JSON.
Command examples
list drives
list drives -a = 1
list drives -a=1 -enc=0
list drives -a=1 -enc=0 -w=2 -verbose
list drives -enc=500a123456789012 -outputformat=xml
List EMMs
This command lists the EMMs accessible from the specified adapter.
CLI reference