Administrator Guide

Device actions
HTTP GET methods
Certain devices can have actions performed on them such as updating firmware or blinking a drive’s LED. Also, firmware files can be
validated. These device actions require additional options at the end of the URL for a device inventory query:
[base_url]/<item_group>/<(index | wwid)>/?action=<whattodo>&<option>=<opt>
The additional options to the URL for device actions include:
?action=<whattodo>: What action to perform: update, blink, or get.
<option> = <opt>: An argument for the action to be performed.
The following options are available:
For updates, File=<file>; for example, ?action=update&File=file.fwh
For blinking drives, toggle=ON/OFF -; for example, ?action=blink&toggle=ON
Specifying file paths
File paths in Windows can either be percent encoded or entered with forward slashes. The following are examples of valid Windows
filepaths for a firmware file:
‘%5C’ is the encoding for Windows ‘\’ and ‘%22’ represents spaces in the path name.
Here is an example of a valid Linux filepath for a firmware file:
HTTP GET methods
Blink drive
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drive/<(index | wwid)>/blink/ON
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drive/<(index | wwid)>/
HTTP PUT methods
Blink Drive
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drive/<(index
| wwid)>/blink/ON
[base_url]/adapters/<(index | wwid)>/enclosures/<(index | wwid)>/drive/<(index
| wwid)>/blink/OFF
Dell Storage enclosure REST API