White Papers

In this configuration, the file downloaded was ‘jre-6u20-linux-x64.bin’
2) Shutdown all instances of the web browser
3) Make the java installer file executable:
# chmod 755 jre-6u20-linux-x64.bin
4) Execute the installer. This creates the java release directory (e.g. jre1.6.0_20):
# ./jre-6u20-linux-x64.bin
5) Create the /usr/java directory, if it doesn’t already exist:
# mkdir /usr/java
6) Move the java release directory to the /usr/java directory:
# mv jre1.6.0_20/ /usr/java/.
7) Create a symbolic link from the firefox plugins directory to the java plug-in shared
# cd /usr/lib64/firefox-3.0.12
# mkdir plugins
# cd plugins
# ln s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_20/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so libnpjp2.so
8) Start a web browser and open the PS Group Manager GUI: (the IP Address of the PS Group Mgr)
Procedures how do I?
The remainder of the document follows a procedural format, guiding the reader
through common storage administration tasks. These procedures assume that the
reader has already completed the ‘Server Setup – Pre-requisite Steps’ section, earlier in
this document. Please verify that the pre-requisites have been met prior to attempting
the next steps.
The tasks begin with operations in a single-path I/O connection environment (Figure 1)
and then document configuration of a multi-path I/O (MPIO) connection environment
(Figure 2).
Here is a list of the common storage administration tasks covered in this document:
Add a Volume
Grow an Existing Volume
Access a Snapshot
Delete a Volume
Configure Multi-path I/O (MPIO) and Verify
Mount an MPIO Volume using a Persistent Name