White Papers

crw------- 1 root root 10, 63 Jun 4 14:21 controlif
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 3 Jun 10 15:31 mpio
brw------- 1 root root 253, 0 Jun 4 14:22 VolGroup00-LogVol00
brw------- 1 root root 253, 1 Jun 4 14:21 VolGroup00-LogVol01
17) Verify the configuration using the ‘dd’ command. Test that an I/O load is distributed
across the two Ethernet paths. Open the PS Group Manager and view the volume
named mpio. Open the ‘Connections’ tab and verify that both Ethernet IP addresses
are listed. Take note of the ‘MB Read’ column, which should be ‘0 MB’ for each
Execute this dd command:
# dd if=/dev/mapper/mpio of=/dev/null bs=4k count=1k
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
4194304 bytes (4.2 MB) copied, 0.231391 seconds, 18.1 MB/s
This command moves 4MB through the iSCSI connection paths. Check the ‘MB
Read’ column again in the PS Group Manager. Each IP address should read ‘2 MB’,
indicating that the traffic was split across the two connection paths.
Debug tips:
Start with an empty iscsiadm database = no records
Logout of targets and delete records
Start with an empty device-mapper database
multipath F (if it fails, use ‘dmsetup suspend’, ‘dmsetup remove’)
Task #6 - Mount an MPIO volume using the persistent name
In the previous section, multi-path I/O was configured on the SLES server. This
involved changes to the iscsid and multipathd configurations. A persistent name was
defined for the volume and the multipath connection was verified using the dd
command, which performs I/O operations on block devices. Now it’s time to mount
the ‘mpio’ volume as a filesystem.
Note: To ensure that iSCSI volumes being managed by device mapper are correctly
and consistently associated with a mount point at boot time, a persistent name should
be used. The procedure for defining a persistent name was covered in the previous
1) Create mount point:
# mkdir /mnt/mpio
2) Configure the volume to be mounted at boot time by adding the following line to
/dev/mapper/mpio /mnt/mpio ext3 _netdev,defaults 0 0
3) Make a filesystem on the new volume. As stated before, the LVM tools could also
be used to initialize the volume and assign the space to a logical volume: