White Papers

12 TR1059 | V4.0 | Exchange 2013 Data Protection with EqualLogic Auto-Snapshot Manager/Microsoft Edition 4.6 and PS
Series Arrays
Figure 3 Smart Copy behavior options
5.3 Snapshot Smart Copy
Snapshot Smart Copies are point-in-time copies of Exchange Database and log files at the time of the
Smart Copy operation. Snapshots are the most space-efficient form of a Database Smart Copy and
therefore multiple copies of snapshots can be stored and used for restore operations. In the PS Series
Group Manager GUI, snapshot Smart Copies are shown under each base volume from which they were
created. Snapshot Smart Copies are most useful as point in-time copies of the original Database.
Using ASM/ME, Smart Copy snapshots can be created and applied to restore the original Database, restore
the snapshot Smart Copy to an Exchange Recovery Mailbox Database allowing Brick / Item level restores.
5.4 Clone Smart Copy
Clone Smart Copies are exact duplicates of the original volume including all the data on the volume and
the full size of the volume. Clones are treated and shown as separate volumes in the PS Series Group
Manager GUI. Clone Smart Copies are most useful to recreate the original Database environment such as
test or development scenarios.