White Papers

32 TR1059 | V4.0 | Exchange 2013 Data Protection with EqualLogic Auto-Snapshot Manager/Microsoft Edition 4.6 and PS
Series Arrays
10 Summary
Auto-Snapshot Manager / Microsoft Edition can substantially increase Exchange Server data availability by
using PS Series data protection technologies. Smart Copy snapshots, clones, and replicas all play a vital
role in robust Exchange Server protection scenarios for on-demand data recovery and Exchange Server
Mailbox Database restores.
Although using ASM/ME will increase Exchange Server data availability, it is not considered an alternative
to long-term backup methods. ASM/ME and Smart Copies should be used in conjunction with a normal
backup schedule for a higher level of data protection and shorter Mailbox Database recovery time.
By using ASM/ME with regular backup methods, you can ensure your NTFS and Exchange Server data is
protected and available at all times.