White Papers

hot add data disks. The other option is to have a temporary or standby
recovery VM available that can have data drives mounted to it and then used to
find the files to recover and copy them back to the original location.
The process is very similar to creating a Smart Clone but with some additional
steps. First find the Smart Copy that contains the data that needs to be
recovered. Choose to Clone from Smart Copy.
Step 1 - General Settings
Unlike creating a full clone of a Smart Copy, deselect the option to Register
new virtual machines. It is not necessary to register the VMs for selective data
restoration. Click Next to continue.
NOTE: Even if you are trying to restore just one file, the Smart Clone operation
could cause multiple datastores to be cloned and mounted. These will need to
be deleted using Datastore Manager when the process is finished.
Step 2 - Resource Pool
Select the vCenter cluster to assign the cloned datastores to and click Next.