White Papers

Indicators of Attack
TPM use
Trusted Device scans for the presence and status of each security solution every 24 hours, and 15 minutes after the Trusted
Device agent restarts. For each component, Trusted Device writes a timestamped pass, pass with warnings, or fail, and
comprehensive score to the Windows Event Viewer. For more information, see Results, Troubleshooting, and Remediation.
Resolved Security Advisories v2.9
No security advisories exist.
Resolved Technical Advisories v2.9
BIOS Verification entries in Windows Event Viewer no longer display unnecessary characters after the result. [DPS-2373]
Trusted Device repair with Command-line now allows the option to opt in for the Trusted Device Agent Improvement
Program. [DPS-2380]
The Trusted Device agent now writes a network connectivity error to Windows Event Viewer if network connectivity is
unavailable when BIOS Verification is run. [DPS-2345, DPS-2405]
An issue resulting in Desktop shortcut persistence when manually upgrading Trusted Device interactively is resolved.
All Trusted Device files are now properly removed during uninstallation. [DPS-2407]
Double-clicking the Trusted Device MSI now functions as expected when upgrading previous versions to Trusted Device
v2.9. [DPS-2414]
Technical Advisories v2.9
While scanning for anti-virus and firewall solutions, Trusted Device may write an erroneous exception to logs. [DPS-2480,
Trusted Device features cannot be modified during upgrades. To change enabled features, run a repair on Trusted Device.
In rare scenarios, BIOS Verification returns the incorrect failure message after a restart. [DPS-2485]
Security Risk Protection Score assessments currently display an incorrect timestamp in Windows Event Viewer. [DPS-2508]
New Features and Functionality v2.8
The Trusted Device agent now detects additional Indicators of Attack.
Dell.TrustedDevice.Service.exe.config has been removed from the Trusted Device installer.
Resolved Security Advisories v2.8
The Trusted Device signing process is hardened. [DPS-1029]
Resolved Technical Advisories v2.8
A rare issue resulting in a partial memory leak when reading or writing files is resolved. [DPS-2187]
Uninstallation now removes Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.dll as expected. [DPS-2260]
An issue resulting in an operating system failure when third-party applications attempt to read the Trusted Device log files
during a roll-over is resolved. Ensure that exclusions for Trusted Device are in place for your anti-virus. For more information,
see Exclusions. [DPS-2355]
Technical Advisories