
MIB Objects
Product Status Group
The name of the group is “ProductStatus” with a group OID of 110. See Table 13 for OID 110 group
Table 13. Product Status Group Variables
Variable Name and Description OID Variable Type
Current status of the product.
This is a roll-up for the entire product including any monitored devices. The status is intended
to give initiative to an SNMP monitor to get further data when this status is abnormal.
This variable can take the following values:
S Other
S Unknown
S Non-critical
S Critical
S Non-recoverable
1 Integer
The status before the current status which induced an initiative to issue a global status change
2 Integer
The last time that the SNMP table geometries changed and/or attribute data were significantly
updated. This is used by management applications to trigger a refresh of data acquired from
the MIB.
This time should be a relative timestamp, for example the value of MIB II SysUpTime when
the values are updated or some other equivalent.
3 Integer
Suggested time out value in milliseconds for how long the SNMP getter should wait while
attempting to poll the product SNMP service.
4 Integer
Rate in seconds at which the SNMP service cached data is being updated.
5 Integer
Indicates if this SNMP sub-agent is capable of and/or is generating SNMP traps.
This variable can take the following values:
S True—this service is capable of sending traps and is the originator of SNMP traps
generated for the devices represented in this MIB and is currently generating traps.
S False—this service is not capable of sending traps and is not the originator of any SNMP
traps generated for the devices represented in this MIB.
S Disabled—this service is capable of sending traps and is the originator of SNMP traps for
the devices represented in this MIB, but traps are currently disabled.
6 Integer