Administrator Guide

Link-Local Only
c If Automatic (DHCP) option is selected, you must congure the following options.
Table 3. Automatic (DHCP)
Parameter Description
DNS Enable the Automatic button, if you want the thin client to
automatically fetch the DNS Server.
Server Species the IP address of the DNS Server.
Click the + icon to add a new DNS server to the list.
Routes Enable the Automatic button to turn on the automatic IPv4
Address Species the Router IP address.
Netmask Species the Netmask. Netmask is used to divide an IP
address into subnets and specify the network's available
Gateway Species the IP address of the default Gateway.
Metric Species the Metric value for the network connection.
Use this connection only for resources on its network Select this check box, if you want to allow the wired
connection only for resources on its network.
d If Manual option is selected, you must specify the IP address, Netmask IP and Gateway IP along with the parameters mentioned
in the Automatic (DHCP) table.
e If Link-Local Only option is selected, the DNS and Routes options are disabled. This is applicable only for communications within
the host link or the host domain.
6 Click the IPv6 tab and do the following:
a Enable the IPv6 button to congure the IPv6 settings.
b From the Addresses drop-down menu, select the type of IPv6 conguration. The available options are:
Automatic, DHCP only
Link-Local Only
The IPv6 conguration is similar to conguring the IPv4 Settings. For IPv4 conguration, see the IPv4 settings in this section.
7 Click the Reset tab and do the following:
a Click Reset to reset the settings for your network connection, including passwords. However, the previous network is displayed
as a preferred network.
b Click Forget to remove all details relating to this network that you do not want to automatically connect to.
8 Click Apply to save your congured settings.
: Click the Add Prole tab to add a new network prole. On the right pane, you must congure the following options:
The conguration of all these tabs are similar to Wired Network connections congurations described in this section.
32 Conguring thin client settings locally