Administrator Guide

NOTE: If you want to do an update with the Preserve
changes option enabled, ensure that your addons folder
includes a copy of your current add-ons. The system may
require two reboots to fully update the rmware and add-
ons while preserving local changes.
Be sure to create/activate the two required MIME Types— .ini and .,under IIS on a per site basis to enable downloading. Also be sure
your Web server can identify the le types used by Dell thin clients.
3 On your IIS server, use the File Types menu to add a New Type.
4 In the File Type dialog box, Use the following details :
a To create/activate the .ini MIME Type—Enter the Associated extension .ini and Content type (MIME) text/plain.
b Click OK to apply the settings.
c To create/activate the . MIME Type—Enter the Associated extension . and Content type (MIME) text/plain.
d Click OK to apply the settings.
For detailed instructions on adding the .ini and . MIME Types, see Knowledge Base Solution #21581 , go to
knowledgebase and search for 21581.
Directing the thin client to the server
After you set up the folder structure and populate it with the correct les, direct the thin client to the location of the server by the
following way:
: We recommend you use DHCP to direct the thin client to Server.
To direct the thin client to the server:
Using DHCP — When using DHCP to direct the thin client to the location of the server, information about the server and root
directory is obtained from the following DHCP options:
a 161 — The server.
b 162 — Root path to the server-ftp/http/https.
If no root path is dened, /wyse is assumed
If a root path is dened, the additional path will be appended to the URL supplied by option 161.
c 184 — Server username to the server specied in option 161. This is optional.
d 185 — Server password to the server specied in option 161. This is optional.
Check-in for rmware updates is done early in the boot process. For that reason, changes in DHCP information may not be
propagated to a unit until a full boot is completed. However, you can avoid this by forcing a renewing of the DHCP lease, which
makes sure that the unit has the latest le-server location before the next rmware check.
Simply, right-click the Network Manager icon, click Enable Networking to disable it, right-click the Wireless Manager icon, and
then click Enable Networking to enable it again and the DHCP lease is renewed.
For general instructions on adding DHCP Options #161 and #162, see Knowledge Base Solution #16132, go to
knowledgebase and search for 16132.
After you start your thin client, the device will look in the dened root path for the latest available image and update if necessary.
Additionally, it will check the directory le in the add-ons folder to see if any updates for installed add-ons are dened. Add-ons that exist in
the addons folder but are not listed in the directory le, will be ignored during update check-in.
conguration—Automating updates and congurations 99