Setup Guide

Table 14. RDP connect options (continued)
Option Description
Specifies whether or not to disable remote sound upon
connection start.
Disablesound=2 only works in RDP sessions and indicates
that the remote computer sound should be disabled at the
remote computer.
Domainname={domain name,$DN}
Domain name to use in a Windows network. $DN specifies
that the thin client sign-on domain name is used. Maximum of
19 characters are allowed.
Fullscreen={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to run the session in full screen. If
Fullscreen=no then the session runs in a windowed screen.
Fullscreen=Yes and DualHead=Yes will result in Span
Mode when connecting to a Windows server 2003 or a
Windows XP Pro Client.
Fullscreen=Yes and DualHead=Yes will result in Extended
mode when connecting to a Windows Server 2008 (any
version) and to a Windows 8 or above desktop.
Host=[name, IP, $SYS VAR]
Host A list of server host names or IP addresses to which
the thin client will attempt to connect; the next server on the
list is attempted if the previous one failed. List items must be
separated by semicolons or commas.
$UN specifies that the sign-on user name is used and
should be set in a {username}.ini file. , see System
Variables. If set to Host=$UN in a {username}.ini file, the
hostname will display as the sign-on user name. If set to
Host=$UN in a wnos.ini file, the hostname will display as
the default Start.
Icon={default, bitmap file}
Specifies an icon to appear on the thin client desktop for a
connection. Use Icon=default to display a system default icon
for a connection.
To use an icon other than the default icon, enter the name
with extension of the bitmap file; ensure that the file is
located in the FTP server wnos\bitmap directory. If Icon= is
not specified and the icon is not specified by a PNAgent/
PNLite server, no icon is displayed for a connection.
KeepAlive={0 to 127}
Default is 10.
Specifies the number of minutes to keep a session connected
after the session is inactive. During this period, one dummy
packet will be sent to the server if network traffic is lost.
LocalCopy={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to save the connection to the local NVRAM.
The connection description of the Description option is used
as the index key into the local connection table. If a match is
Connect Parameter: Options 107