Setup Guide

Table 6. Connection Settings: wnos.ini files only (continued)
Parameter Description
[Resolution={ddc, width X height}]
[Rotate={left, right}]
Mainscreen sets the required screen as the main screen.
Resolution and Rotate only take effect when it is set to mirror mode and
MultiLogon={no, yes}
[SequentialDomain={yes, no}]
Default is no.
Yes/no option to support multiple log ons. If MultiLogon=yes, the PNAgent/
PNLite sign-on authenticating window can input a different username,
password, and domain while signing on to different PNAgent/PNLite servers.
For backward compatibility, the following format is supported:
The SelectServerList statement is also supported:
SelectServerList=pna \
description=store host= \
description="Floor 3" host= \
description="Floor 1" host= \
description="All Users" host=
The SelectServerList takes precedence over PNAgentServer. The PNA
server description or name can be displayed on the signon window so that
the user knows which and what server is logging on. See also
SelectServerList={PNA, VDI} in Connection Settings: wnos.ini files.
If SequentialDomain=yes is specified, the domain configured in DomainList
statement is selected in order.
For example, set the following ini:
DomainList="xen;wyse" multilogon=yes sequentialdomain=yes
When you logon to the first server, the domain xen is selected.
Then logon to the second server and the domain
wyse is selected.
MultiVDISupport={yes, no}
This parameter enables you to work on multiple VDI sessions. You can
simultaneously log in to both Blast and ICA published desktops, when broker
type is VMware View.
[Resizable={no, yes}]
0, 10 to 600}]
[WordWrap=[yes, no]]
NoticeFile Specifies a legal notification file residing in the home directory
folder. The file is displayed in a dialog box and the user is prompted to accept
it before the sign-on process continues.
Resizable Default is no. Yes/no option to resize the dialog box to fit the
text size.
Timeout Default is 0. After the notice is accepted, if Timeout is specified
in seconds, and if no mouse or keyboard is used, then the dialog box will
display again after the seconds set. 0 means no timeout.
Title and ButtonCaption Specifies the notification window title and
button that can be customized. For example, NoticeFile=filename \
Title=Problem \ ButtonCaption=Ok
28 Parameters for wnos INI files only