User Manual

Chapter 8 MODBUS Communications|ASDA-AB Series
8-16 Revision March 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000011
int I;
outportb(PORT+MCR,0x08); /* interrupt enable */
outportb(PORT+IER,0x01); /* interrupt as data in */
outportb(PORT+LCR,( inportb(PORT+LCR) | 0x80 ) );
/* the BRDL/BRDH can be access as LCR.b7 == 1 */
outportb(PORT+LCR,0x06); /* set prorocol
<7,E,1> = 1AH, <7,O,1> = 0AH
<8,N,2> = 07H <8,E,1> = 1BH
<8,O,1> = 0BH */
for( I = 0; I<=16; I++ ) {
while( !(inportb(PORT+LSR) & 0x20) ); /* wait until THR empty */
outportb(PORT+THR,tdat[I]); /* send data to THR */
I = 0;
while( !kbhit() ) {
if( inportb(PORT+LSR)&0x01 ) { /* b0==1, read data ready */
rdat[I++] = inportb(PORT+RDR); /* read data from RDR */