Reference Manual

Turbo PMAC/PMAC2 Software Reference
Turbo PMAC On-line Command Specification 375
Only one communications port of this ring controller Turbo PMAC may be in “pass-through” mode at
any time. The other ports are not in pass-through mode and may be used simultaneously for
communications with the ring controller Turbo PMAC itself.
This port is taken out of MACRO pass-through mode if it is given the <CTRL-T> command. If another
MACROSTASCII command is sent while the port is in pass-through mode, this command will be passed
through and rejected by the other station, returning an ERR008.
In pass-through mode, command errors are always reported in the form <BELL>ERRnnn<CR>,
regardless of the setting of I6.
See Also:
On-line commands <CTRL-T>, MACROMSTASCII{station #}
Function: Report value of variable controlling MACRO ring frequency
Scope: Global
This command, when sent to the Turbo PMAC that is the MACRO ring controller, causes it to report the
value of the variable that is controlling the MACRO ring frequency. Usually this variable is I6800. The
ring frequency is inversely proportional to the setting of this value. Refer to the description of I6800 for
Function: Set value of variable controlling MACRO ring frequency
Scope: Global
Syntax: MACROSTASCIIFREQ={constant}
This command, when sent to the Turbo PMAC that is the MACRO ring controller, causes it to set the
value of the variable that is controlling the MACRO ring frequency, both on itself, and on all devices on
the MACRO ring, to the specified value. The ring frequency is inversely proportional to the setting of this
value. Refer to the description of I6800 for details.
Function: Set value of variable controlling MACRO ring frequency to default
Scope: Global
This command, when sent to the Turbo PMAC that is the MACRO ring controller, causes it to set the
value of the variable that is controlling the MACRO ring frequency, both on itself, and on all devices on
the MACRO ring, to the default value of 6527, which sets a 9.03 kHz “MaxPhase” frequency. The ring
frequency is inversely proportional to the setting of this value. Refer to the description of I6800 for