Reference Manual

Turbo PMAC/PMAC2 Software Reference
Turbo PMAC On-line Command Specification 281
Second character returned:
Bit 19 Amplifier Enabled: This bit is 1 when the outputs for this motor's amplifier are enabled, either in
open loop or closed-loop mode (refer to Open-Loop Mode status bit to distinguish between the two
cases). It is 0 when the outputs are disabled (killed).
Bit 18 Open Loop Mode: This bit is 1 when the servo loop for the motor is open, either with outputs
enabled or disabled (killed). (Refer to Amplifier Enabled status bit to distinguish between the two cases.)
It is 0 when the servo loop is closed (under position control, always with outputs enabled).
Bit 17 Move Timer Active: This bit is 1 when the motor is executing any move with a predefined end-
point and end-time. This includes any motion program move dwell or delay, any jog-to-position move,
and the portion of a homing search move after the trigger has been found. It is 0 otherwise. It changes
from 1 to 0 when execution of the commanded move finishes.
Bit 16 Integration Mode: This bit is 1 when Ixx34 is 1 and the servo loop integrator is only active when
desired velocity is zero. It is 0 when Ixx34 is 0 and the servo loop integrator is always active.
Third character returned:
Bit 15 Dwell in Progress: This bit is 1 when the motor's coordinate system is executing a DWELL
instruction. It is 0 otherwise.
Bit 14 Data Block Error: This bit is 1 when move execution has been aborted because the data for the
next move section was not ready in time. This is due to insufficient calculation time. It is 0 otherwise. It
changes from 1 to 0 when another move sequence is started. This is related to the Run Time Error
Coordinate System status bit.
Bit 13 Desired Velocity Zero: This bit is 1 if the motor is in closed-loop control and the commanded
velocity is zero (i.e. it is trying to hold position). It is zero either if the motor is in closed-loop mode with
non-zero commanded velocity, or if it is in open-loop mode.
Bit 12 Abort Deceleration: This bit is 1 if the motor is decelerating due to an Abort command, or due to
hitting hardware or software position (overtravel) limits. It is 0 otherwise. It changes from 1 to 0 when
the commanded deceleration to zero velocity finishes.
Fourth character returned:
Bit 11 Block Request: This bit is 1 when the motor has just entered a new move section, and is
requesting that the upcoming section be calculated. It is 0 otherwise. It is primarily for internal use.
Bit 10 Home Search in Progress: This bit is set to 1 when the motor is in a move searching for a
trigger: a homing search move, a jog-until trigger, or a motion program move-until-trigger. It becomes 1
as soon as the calculations for the move have started, and becomes zero again as soon as the trigger has
been found, or if the move is stopped by some other means. This is not a good bit to observe to see if the
full move is complete, because it will be 0 during the post-trigger portion of the move. Use the Home
Complete and Desired Velocity Zero bits instead.
Bit 9 User-Written Phase Enable: This bit is 1 when Ixx59 bit 1 for the motor is set to 1 and the motor
executes the user-written phase routine instead of the normal phase routine. It is 0 when Ixx59 bit 1 is 0
and the motor executes the normal phase routine.
Bit 8 User-Written Servo Enable: This bit is 1 when Ixx59 bit 0 for the motor is set to 1 and the motor
executes the user-written servo routine instead of the normal servo routine. It is 0 when Ixx59 bit 0 is 0
and the motor executes the normal servo routine.
Fifth character returned:
Bit 7 Alternate Source/Destination: This bit is 1 when Ixx01 bit 1 is 1 and an alternate source or
destination for the motor algorithms is used. If Ixx01 bit 0 is 0, this means that the motor writes its
command to an X-register instead of the standard Y-register. If Ixx01 bit 0 is 1, this means that the motor
reads its commutation feedback from a Y-register instead of the standard X-register. This bit is 0 when
Ixx01 bit 1 is 0, and the standard source or destination is used for the motor.
Bit 6 Phased Motor: This bit is 1 when Ixx01 bit 0 is 1 and this motor is being commutated by Turbo
PMAC; it is 0 when Ixx01 bit 0 is 0 and this motor is not being commutated by Turbo PMAC.