Reference Manual

Turbo PMAC/PMAC2 Software Reference
Turbo PMAC On-line Command Specification 398
{hh} is the 2-digit representation of the hour (00 <= {hh} <= 23)
{mm} is the 2-digit representation of the minute (00 <= {mm} <= 59)
{ss} is the 2-digit representation of the second (00 <= {ss} <= 59)
This command sets the current time in Turbo PMAC’s active (volatile) memory. The time is entered in
the international 24-hour clock format, as hour/minute/second.
Entering of the seconds is optional; if the seconds are not entered, Turbo PMAC will use 0 seconds. Date
and time automatically advance in Turbo PMAC’s active memory, and the present time can be queried at
any time with the TIME command.
This time information is not retained through a power-down or board reset unless the Option 18B non-
volatile clock/calendar IC is present and the active date and time information has been copied into the
non-volatile IC with the UPDATE command.
The present date can be set with the TODAY={date} command.
TIME=08:30 ; Set time to 8:30:00 am
TIME=17:45:24 ; Set time to 5:45:24 pm
Function: Report present date
Scope: Global
Syntax: TODAY
This command causes Turbo PMAC to report the current date. The date is reported in the North
American format:
{day} {mm}/{dd}/{yyyy}
{day} is the 3-letter abbreviation for the day of the week
{mm} is the 2-digit representation of the month
{dd} is the 2-digit representation of the day of the month
{yyyy} is the 4-digit representation of the year
The date must originally have been set with the TODAY={date} command for an accurate date to be
reported here. If the Option 18B non-volatile clock/calendar IC is present, this IC will retain and advance
the date information even while no external power is applied. On power-up or reset of the Turbo PMAC,
the present date and time are copied into active memory, and then they advance automatically in the
active memory. The TODAY command reports from active memory.
If the Option 18B is not present, Turbo PMAC will default to Jan. 1, 2000, at 00:00:00, on power-
up/reset, and date and time will advance in active memory from this point. The actual date may be loaded
into active memory after power-up/reset, and the date and time will advance from this point.
The 4-digit representation of the year eliminates possible Year 2000 problems in
user code processing the date information.
WED 09/09/1998
FRI 04/22/2000