Date Printed: 11/5/2018 Date Revised: 11/5/2018
provide adequate protection. Rubber, nitrile or neoprene to prevent skin contact. Permeation resistant gloves (Butyl
rubber, nitrile, or polyvinyl alcohol) are recommended. Note that polyvinyl alcohol degrades in contact with water.
EYE PROTECTION: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield.
OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Where splashing is possible full chemically resistant protective clothing (e.g. acid
suit) and boots are required.
HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before eating. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Use only
in a well ventilated area. Follow all SDS/label precautions even after container is emptied because they may retain
product residues. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Avoid breathing vapors from heated material. Avoid
contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.
Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Colored Liquid
Physical State:
Organic Solvent
Odor: Odor Threshold:
Specific Gravity:
Freeze Point, °C:
Solubility in Water:
Partition Coefficient, n-octanol/
Decompostion Temp., °C:
Explosive Limits, vol%:
0.5 - 10.5
Boiling Range, °C: 100 - 196
Flash Point, °C:
Evaporation Rate:
Slower than Diethyl Ether
Vapor Pressure:
Vapor Density:
Heavier than air N.D.
(See "Other information" Section for abbreviation legend)
Section 10. Stability and Reactivity
REACTIVITY: No Information
STABILITY: This product is stable under normal storage conditions.
POSSIBILITY OF HAZARDOUS REACTIONS: None under normal processing conditions.
CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Heat, sparks and open flames.
INCOMPATIBILITY: None reasonably foreseeable.
HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May produce fumes when heated to decomposition, as in welding or fire. Fumes
may contain: Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and various other hydrocarbons.
Section 11. Toxicological Information
Practical Experiences
EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INHALATION: Harmful if inhaled. Headaches, dizziness, nausea, decreased blood pressure,
changes in heart rate and cyanosis may result from over-exposure to vapor or skin exposure. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful.
Proper respiratory equipment MUST be worn when sanding or abrading surfaces painted with this product. Sanding or abrading the
dried paint film increases the risk of exposure. When incorporated in the liquid paint, pigments or extenders pose minimal risk of
EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - SKIN CONTACT: Causes skin irritation. Allergic reactions are possible. Prolonged or repeated
contact can result in defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis (rash).
EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - EYE CONTACT: Liquid, aerosols and vapors of this product are irritating and can cause pain,
tearing, reddening and swelling accompanied by a stinging sensation and/or a feeling like that of fine dust in the eyes.
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