User`s manual

18 Quick Tutorial
Starting with Dynamic C 9, you can also set breakpoints while in edit mode. Breakpoint information is not
only retained when going back and forth from edit mode to debug mode, it is stored when a file is closed
and restored when the file is re-opened.
3.1.4 Editing the Program
Press <F4>to put Dynamic C into edit mode. Use the “Save as” choice on the File menu to save the file
with a new name so as not to change the original demo program. Save the file as MYTEST.C. Now change
the number 20000 in the for statement to 10000. Then use the <F9> key to recompile and run the pro-
gram. The counter displays twice as quickly as before because you reduced the value in the delay loop.
3.2 Run DEMO2.C
Go back to edit mode and open the program DEMO2.C. This program is the same as the first program,
except that a variable k has been added along with a statement to increment “k” by the value of “i” each
time around the endless loop. Compile and run DEMO2.C.
3.2.1 Watching Variables Dynamically
Press <Ctrl+W> to open the “Add Watch Expression” popup box.
Type “k” in the text entry box, then
click “OK” (or “Add”) to add the
expression “k” to the top of the list of
watch expressions. Now press
<Ctrl+U>, the keyboard shortcut for
updating the watch window. Each
time you press
<Ctrl+U>, you will see
the current value of k.
Add another expression to the watch window:
Then press <Ctrl+U> several times to observe the watch expressions “k” and “k*5.”