User`s manual

214 Keywords
Declares a local variable to have a permanent fixed location in memory, as opposed to auto, where the
variable exists on the system stack. Global variables are by definition static. Local variables are auto
by default.
int func (){
int i; // auto by default
static float x; // explicitly static
This keyword introduces a structure declaration, which defines a type.
struct {
int x;
int y;
int z;
} thing1; // defines the variable thing1 to be a struct
struct speed{
int x;
int y;
int z;
}; // declares a struct type named speed
struct speed thing2; // defines variable thing2 to be of type speed
Structure declarations can be nested.
struct {
struct speed slow;
struct speed slower;
} tortoise; // defines the variable tortoise to be a nested struct
struct rabbit {
struct speed fast;
struct speed faster;
}; // declares a nested struct type named rabbit
struct rabbit chips; // defines the variable chips to be of type rabbit