User`s manual

236 Operators
Right shift assignment.
a >>= 5; // Shift a right 5 bits. Same as a = a >> 5
Bitwise AND assignment.
a &= b; // AND a with b. Same as a = a & b
Bitwise XOR assignment.
a ^= b; // XOR a with b. Same as a = a ^ b
Bitwise OR assignment.
a |= b; // OR a with b. Same as a = a | b
13.3 Bitwise Operators
Shift left. This is a binary operator. The result is the value of the left operand shifted by the number of bits
specified by the right operand.
int i = 0xF00F;
j = i << 4; // j gets 0x00F0
The most significant bits of the operand are lost; the vacated bits become zero.
Shift right. This is a binary operator. The result is the value of the left operand shifted by the number of
bits specified by the right operand:
int i = 0xF00F;
j = i >> 4; // j gets 0xFF00
The least significant bits of the operand are lost; the vacated bits become zero for unsigned variables and
are sign-extended for signed variables.