User`s manual

Dynamic C Users Manual 237
Address operator, or bitwise AND. As a unary operator, this provides the address of a variable:
int x;
z = &x; // z gets the address of x
As a binary operator, this performs the bitwise AND of two integer (char, int, or long) values.
int i = 0xFFF0;
int j = 0x0FFF;
z = i & j; // z gets 0x0FF0
Bitwise exclusive OR. A binary operator, this performs the bitwise XOR of two integer (8-bit, 16-bit or
32-bit) values.
int i = 0xFFF0;
int j = 0x0FFF;
z = i ^ j; // z gets 0xF00F
Bitwise inclusive OR. A binary operator, this performs the bitwise OR of two integer (8-bit, 16-bit or 32-
bit) values.
int i = 0xFF00;
int j = 0x0FF0;
z = i | j; // z gets 0xFFF0
Bitwise complement. This is a unary operator. Bits in a char, int, or long value are inverted:
int switches;
switches = 0xFFF0;
j = ~switches; // j becomes 0x000F