User`s manual

274 Graphical User Interface
Memory Dump Window
For more information on using the Memory Dump window go to the section titled, Dump at
Address <Ctrl+D>.
The following are the options relevant to the Memory Dump window.
Apply changes to all
Changes made in this dialog will be applied to all memory dump windows.
Allow automatic updates
The memory dump window will be updated every time program execution stops
(breakpoint, single step, etc.). Starting with Dynamic C 9, each time you single step
changed data in the memory dump window is highlighted in reverse video.
Show tool bar
Each dump window has the option of a tool bar that has a button for updating the
dumped region and a text entry box to enter a new starting dump address.
Show address while scrolling
While using the scroll bar, a small popup box appears to the right of the scroll bar and
displays the address of the first byte in the window. This allows you to know exactly
where you are as you scroll.
Show current byte in hint
The address and value of the byte that is under the cursor is displayed in a small
popup box.
Show current byte in title bar
The address and value of the byte that is under the cursor is displayed in the title bar.