User`s manual

Dynamic C Users Manual 299
14.2.9 Help Menu
Click the menu title or press <Alt+H> to select the HELP menu. The choices are given below:
Online Documentation
Opens a browser page and displays a file with links to other manuals. When installing Dynamic C from
CD, this menu item points to the hard disk; after a Web upgrade of Dynamic C, this menu item option-
ally points to the Web.
Opens a browser page and displays an HTML file of Dynamic C keywords, with links to their descrip-
tions in this manual.
Opens a browser page and displays an HTML file of Dynamic C operators, with links to their descrip-
tions in this manual.
HTML Function Reference
Opens a browser page and displays an HTML file that has two links, one to Dynamic C functions listed
alphabetically, the other to the functions listed by functional group. Each function listed is linked to its
description in the Dynamic C Function Reference Manual.
Function Lookup <Ctrl+H>
Displays descriptions for library functions. The keyboard shortcut is
Choosing a function is done in one of several ways. You may type the function name in the Function
Search entry box. Notice how both scroll areas underneath the entry box display the first function that
matches what you type. The functions to the left are listed alphabetically, while those on the right are
arranged in a tree format, displaying the libraries alphabetically with their functions collapsed under-
neath. You may scroll either of these two areas and have whatever you select in one area reflected in
the other area and in the text entry box. Click OK or press
<Enter> to bring up the Function Descrip-
tion window.