User`s manual

304 Command Line Interface
15.3 Saving Output to a File
The output consists of all program printfs as well as all error and warning messages.
Output to a file can be accomplished with the -o option
dccl_cmp myProgram.c -i myProgramInputs.txt -o myOutputs.txt
where myOutputs.txt is overwritten if it exists or is created if it does not exist.
If the -oa option is used, myOutputs.txt is appended if it exists or is created if it does not.
15.4 Command Line Switches
Each switch must be separated from the others on the command line with at least one space or tab. Extra
spaces or tabs are ignored. The parameter(s) required by some switches must be added as separate text
immediately following the switch. Any of the parameters requiring a pathname, including the source file
pathname, can have imbedded spaces by enclosing the pathname in quotes.
15.4.1 Switches Without Parameters
Description: Use compile mode: Compile to .bin file using attached target.
Factory Default: Compile mode: Compile to attached target.
GUI Equivalent: Compile program (F5) with Default Compile Mode set to "Compile to .bin file
using attached target" in Compiler tab of Project Options dialog.
Description: Undo user-defined BIOS file specification.
Factory Default: None.
GUI Equivalent: This is an advanced setting, viewable by clicking on the “Advanced” radio button at
the bottom of the Compiler tab of Project Options dialog. Uncheck the “User
Defined BIOS File” checkbox.
Description: Use compile mode: Compile defined target configuration to .bin file
Factory Default: Compile mode: Compile to attached target.
GUI Equivalent: Compile program (F5) with Default Compile Mode set to "Compile defined target
configuration to .bin file" in Compiler tab of Project Options dialog.