User`s manual

Dynamic C Users Manual 89
If MAX_TCP_SOCKET_BUFFERS is not defined in the application program, it will be defined as
MAX_SOCKETS. If, however, MAX_SOCKETS is not defined in the application program,
If MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS is not defined in the application program, it will be defined as 1 if
USE_DHCP is defined, or 0 otherwise.
For more information about TCP/IP, please see the Dynamic C TCP/IP Users Manual, Volumes 1 and 2,
available online at
5.10.6 Debugging Tips
Single stepping may be limited to the currently running task by using the F8 key (Step over). If the task is
suspended, single stepping will also be suspended. When the task is put back in a running state, single
stepping will continue at the statement following the statement that suspended execution of the task.
Pressing the F7 key (Trace into) at a statement that suspends execution of the current task will cause the
program to step into the next active task that has debug information. It may be useful to put a watch on the
global variable OSPrioCur to see which task is currently running.
For example, if the current task is going to call OSSemPend() on a semaphore that is not in the signaled
state, the task will be suspended and other tasks will run. If F8 is pressed at the statement that calls
OSSemPend(), the debugger will not single step in the other running tasks that have debug information;
single stepping will continue at the statement following the call to OSSemPend(). If F7 is pressed at the
statement that calls OSSemPend() instead of F8, the debugger will single step in the next task with
debug information that is put into the running state.
5.11 Summary
Although multitasking may actually decrease processor throughput slightly, it is an important concept. A
controller is often connected to more than one external device. A multitasking approach makes it possible
to write a program controlling multiple devices without having to think about all the devices at the same
time. In other words, multitasking is an easier way to think about the system.