User`s guide

Device Management
July 1999
Test Pull-Down Menu for Digital-Type Devices
There are two primary types of tests, those that provide results and those that do
not. Examples of the first type are Device Test and any of the loopback tests with
the BERT pattern. The second type of test puts the device into a loopback test
without the BERT pattern running.
An example of why you would use a test without returned results is using a
loopback test without the BERT pattern to permit testing of the DTE-to-device
connection. When the device is in the loopback test, characters sent from the
DTE are echoed back to the DTE. Both local and remote (end-to-end) types of
tests can be performed.
To begin any of the tests, choose Execute.
To initiate a test, a local device must be selected. Tests cannot be run on devices
using a maintenance connection.
Each test displays a pictorial representation of the device(s) being tested with the
active areas displayed using the Test In Progress color. To halt a test for the
selected device and all downstream devices before completion, choose Abort.
When the test is completed, any results obtained appear in the lower portion of
the window. To run the test again, choose Execute.
Do not execute any of the tests when the device is in use. The tests may interrupt
primary data (IPD) and disconnect the device when completed.