User`s guide

Hard Disk and System Recommendations
July 1999
Required disk space = # local devices x # call per day x # days to
purge x 20 bytes
A network with 128 local dial devices (# local devices), averaging
200 calls per device per day (# calls per day), with a purge time of 30 days
(# days to purge) requires 15.4 Mb of storage.
Call Statistics Summary Records
For each local dial device, allocate 350 bytes per day. The purge time can be
configured between 1 and 13 months.
Required disk space = # local devices x # months to
purge x 31 x 350 bytes
A network with 128 local dial devices (# local devices) and a purge
every month (# months to purge) requires 1.4 megabytes of disk space
(assuming a 31-day month).
Alert History Records
For each device alert reported allocate 80 bytes. The purge time for alert
history records can be configured between 0 and 90 days (a value of zero
indicates that a purge will not be performed).
Required disk space = # devices x # alerts per device x # days to
purge x 80 bytes
A network with 128 devices that reports 100 alerts a day for a
period of 30 days requires a little over 1 megabyte of disk space.
Device Configuration Records
For each device configured in the network, allocate 800 bytes.
Required disk space = # devices x 800 bytes
A network with a 1000 device configuration (the maximum) requires
.8 megabytes of disk space.
Sample Configuration
Assume a system with the following configuration:
128 local devices
872 remote devices
Average call duration of 3 minutes
A maximum of 20 calls per hour (480 calls per day) per local device
Call Detail records purged after 30 days
Call Summary records purged after 13 months
A maximum of 1000 alerts per day or 1 alert per device
Alert History purged after 30 days