User manual

44 Bio-inert Quaternary Pump User Manual
3 Installing the Pump
Priming the System
Changing Solvents
1 If the channel is not filled with buffer, proceed to step 4.
2 Place the solvent intake filter into a bottle of water.
3 Flush the channel at a flow rate suitable for the installed tubing (typically
3-5 mL/min) for 10 min.
4 Modify the flow path of your system as required for your application. For
delay volume optimization see the Rapid Resolution System manual.
5 Replace the solvent bottle by a bottle of isopropanol.
6 Flush the channel at a flow rate suitable for the installed tubing (typically
3-5 mL/min) for 5 min.
7 Swap the bottle of isopropanol with a bottle of solvent for your application.
8 Repeat steps 1 to 7 for the other channel(s) of the pump.
9 Install the desired column, set the required composition and flow rate for
your application and equilibrate the system for approx. 10 minutes prior to
starting a run.
When When the solvent of a channel is to be replaced by another solvent that is not compatible (solvents
are immiscible or one solvent contains a buffer) it is necessary to follow the procedure below to
prevent clogging of the pump by salt precipitation or residual liquid droplets in parts of the system.
Parts required # p/n Description
1 Purging solvent(s), see Ta b l e 4 on page 45
1 5067-4741 ZDV union (Bio-inert)
Preparations Remove the column and replace it by a ZDV fitting.
Prepare bottles with appropriate intermediate solvents (see Ta b l e 4 on page 45)
Buffer salt of aqueous buffers may precipitate in residual isopropanol.
Capillaries and filter may be cloged by precipitating salt.
Don’t perform steps 5 to 7 for channels run with aqueous buffer as solvent.