User manual

118 1260 Nanoflow Pump User Manual
8 Test Functions and Calibration
Leak Test
Running the Leak Test
Running the test from the Agilent Lab Advisor software
1 Select the Leak Test from the Test Selection menu.
2 Start the test and follow the instructions.
When If problems with the pump are suspected
Tools required Wrench 1/4 inch
Parts required # p/n Description
1 G1313-87305 Restriction Capillary
1 01080-83202 Blank nut
1 500 ml Isopropanol
Preparations Place two bottles of LC-grade isopropyl alcohol in channels A2 and B2.
The EMPV is not designed for pressure tightness towards the waste port. Install the manual
purge valve from the accessories kit to pump head A.
Move the inline filter outlet capillary from the EMPV to to manual purge valve.
Make absolutely sure that all parts of the flow path that are part of the test are very
thoroughly flushed with IPA before starting to pressurize the system! Any trace of other
solvents or the smallest air bubble inside the flow path definitely will cause the test to fail!
Make sure to release the pressure by slowly opening the purge valve when the test has
“Evaluating the Results” on page 119 describes the evaluation and interpretation of the
leak test results.
For detailed instructions refer to the Agilent Lab Advisor software Tool.