User manual

124 1260 Nanoflow Pump User Manual
8 Test Functions and Calibration
EMPV Test Description
The test is designed to verify the performance of the EMPV. The test must
always be done when the EMPV valve is exchanged. The test should also be
done if column flow stability problems occur (micro mode only).
The EMPV test is not a substitute for the leak test or pressure test. The leak
and pressure tests should also be done when leaks within the pump heads
might be the problem.
The test starts with a short flushing sequence and a cleaning procedure for the
EMPV. Afterwards, low and high pressure is controlled by the EMPV and the
appropriate current is monitored. Finally, a linear pressure ramp is
Running the EMPV Test
1 Fill vacuum degasser with
A1: aqueous solvent
B1: organic solvent (acetonitrile / methanol / isopropanol, etc.)
2 If vacuum degasser is totally empty use syringe to draw solvent into the
vacuum chamber or flush vacuum degasser before test is executed (test
requires filled degasser chambers).
3 Plug the pump outlet with blank nut at EMPV outlet.
4 Disconnect the EMPV to flow sensor capillary (G1375-87301) at EMPV
outlet and plug the EMPV outlet port with blank nut (01080-83202).
5 Execute test.
6 Remove the blank nut.
7 Reconnect the EMPV to flow sensor capillary. Do not overtighten!