User manual

76 1260 Nanoflow Pump User Manual
5 Optimizing Performance
How to Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting
How to Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting
The compressibility compensation default settings are 50 × 10
/bar (best for
most aqueous solutions) for pump head A and 115 × 10
/bar (to suit organic
solvents) for pump head B. The settings represent average values for aqueous
solvents (A side) and organic solvents (B side). Therefore it is always
recommended to use the aqueous solvent on the A side of the pump and the
organic solvent on the B side. Under normal conditions the default settings
reduce the pressure pulsation to values below 1 % of system pressure which is
sufficient for most applications. If the compressibility values for the solvents
used differ from the default settings, it is recommended to change the
compressibility values accordingly. Compressibility settings can be optimized
by using the values for various solvents described in Table 19 on page 77. If
the solvent in use is not listed in the compressibility table, when using
premixed solvents and if the default settings are not sufficient for your
application the following procedure can be used to optimize the
compressibility settings:
1 Start channel A of the pump with the adequate flow rate. The system
pressure must be between 50 and 250 bar
2 Before starting the optimization procedure, the flow must be stable. Use
degassed solvent only. Check the tightness of the system with the pressure
3 Your pump must be connected to a data system or Instant Pilot with which
the pressure and %-ripple can be monitored, otherwhise connect a signal
cable between the pressure output of the pump and a recording device (for
example, 339X integrator) and set parameters.
Zero 50 %
Att 2^3 Chart
Speed 10 cm/min
4 Start the recording device with the plot mode.
Use the 1260 Nanoflow Pump in the Normal Mode at least 100 µL/min.