Service manual

Diehl-type timer
The Diehl-type timer is not equipped with a separate cover, the control switch
is covered with a transparent cover. Its electrical wiring is exactly identical to
that of Paragon timer connection.
Setting the new timer after replacement:
- On the 24-hour control switch, on which one notch means 15 minutes,
push out 6 pins radially (1,5 hour period). All the other switch pins must be
in pushed-in position.
- The first pushed out pin on the control switch must be rotated to 0.00 hour.
This way the switch-on is set to 1.30 hour. The control switch may only be
rotated clockwise.
- Reinsert control switch cover.
2.3.8 Appliance with semi-automatic defrosting
In some models defrosting is not controlled by automatic controls but the user
needs to initiate it by pressing the defrost switch located at the center of the
thermostat switch. Restarting is done automatically by the thermostat. Its
assembly is almost identical to electromechanical thermostats with timers.
- The defrost switch is located in the place of the plug, in the middle of the
thermostat switch.
- It is pulled of together with the thermostat switch.
- It can be reassembled after pushing up the thermostat switch. The defrost
switch should be inserted in the bore of the thermostat switch and should
be pushed up onto the defrost pin in the middle of the thermostat shaft with
an approx. Ø5 cylinder pin.
Naturally, there is no defrost timer in these devices.
2.3.9 Temperature controller (as of April 2002)
The temperature controller – in the event of a circuit break – may not be
replaced as a service component. If switched off, the cooling appliance may
only be repaired by replacing the aggregate.
The aggregate for servicing purposes is only available as a set.
Beside the aggregate, the set includes:
- 1 temperature controller with the necessary maximum length wire, without
the connection element on the ends of the wire.
- 1 set of all available electrical connection elements, also the screws
needed for installation.
The description of the application can be found in section 2.4.1 (Replacing
cooling aggregate).