
The company Bodo Ehmann GmbH, Bensbruchstrasse 6, 63533
Mainhausen, Germany, provides a warranty of 5 years for all
products from date of purchase.
The warranty period begins on the date of purchase at the
specialized trader and applies to all defects in material and
The warranty is restricted to those countries for which the
product was developed and produced.
Potential modifications which must be carried out on the product
to adapt to the country's standards concerning technology and/or
safety are not included in the warranty.
The costs for such modifications as well as damage as a result of
these modifications will not be compensated.
Should it become necessary to make use of warranty performances,
please refer to the specialized trader where you bought the
product by presenting the respective sales slip.
The warranty does not cover the following issues:
Chemical, physical or other extraneous impacts on the device,
such as fire, lightning, water, fall, etc.
Damage due to improper use, wrong installation or faulty
repairs; and more generally by non-observance of the operating
and safety instructions.
The legal provisions concerning warranty in the purchaser's
country remain unaffected by these conditions.
The claiming of our warranty does neither mean that the warranty
period is extended nor that a new warranty period starts.