Operation Manual

Privacy Factory data reset
Tap to reset the device to its initial factory state, erasing all
data and downloaded applications. Tap Reset Device to
proceed with reset, or tap to cancel and return to
previous screen.
WARNING! The following will be erased during the
factory reset:
~ Google account
~ System and application data and settings
~ Downloaded applications
The factory reset will NOT erased:
~ Current system software and bundled applications
~ SD card files, such as music or photos
Total space,
Available space
It values appears when a SD card is inserted in device.
Unmount SD card
When the SD card is inserted, tap it to safety remove the
SD card.
SD card &
device storage
Format SD card
N/A for this device.
Select language
Select the language and region according to your location.
Android keyboard
Onscreen keyboard settings.
Language &
User dictionary
You can add words to a personal dictionary, words that
may not be included in the default dictionary.
Set date
Set the date.
Select time zone
Select the time zone.
Set time
Set the time.
Use 24-hour format
You can choose to use 24-hour format or 12-hour format.
Date & time
Select date format
You can select the date format.
About device
View Status (Battery, Wi-Fi, etc), Battery use, Legal
information, Model number, Android version, Kernel
version and Build number.
Calibrate the touch screen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What Android OS version is on my Device?
A: 2.2
Basic Device Functionary
Q: Do I have to charge the battery before use?