User's Manual

Elettronica GF s.r.l.
Via Vittori, 63 - 48018 - FAENZA (RA) ITALY
Tel. (+39) 0546 622245 Fax (+39) 0546 622301
IVA Cod.Fisc. Reg. Imprese: IT-02288800390
This document and informations herein is the property of Elettronica GF and all unauthorised use and reproduction is
prohibited. All rights reserved. Confidential, Unpublished Property of Elettronica GF.
3. Conditions of Use
The Modules NFC/BLE (Gymkit) 5V RS232 have been designed to support the ANT and/or Bluetooth low
energy protocols by modules FCC ID 06R3153/ IC 3797A-3153 and are certified for use in many geographical
region around the globe by the constructor DYNASTREAM INNOVATIONS INC. However, a product
incorporating the Modules NFC/BLE (Gymkit) 5V RS232 may carry the certification IDs of the module only if it
complies with the restrictions and terms, including use of Dynastream-approved software, provided in the
conditions of use available at:
4. Safety Instructions
The NFC/BLE (Gymkit) 5V RS232 board is a BLE + Mifare/NFC module of the Technogym S.p.a Devices
(Equipment Cardio, Trainer point or Class Reader).
Read the Safety Instruction carefully and keep it for use later.
Beware of all warning and instruction signs marked on the NFC/BLE (Gymkit) 5V RS232 board.
Ensure that the ambient temperature around the module is between +5 °C and +50°C (with relative humidity
between 5% and 85%).
5. NFC compatibility
The NFC module will be compatible with all NFC Key/Tag properties of Technogym S.p.A. in these tested
range of resonance frequency:
Min resonance frequency
Max resonance frequency
14,2 MHz
15,0 MHz
14,2 MHz
16,2 MHz
The NFC module will be compatible with all NFC tag / Key / Devices in accordance with:
MIFARE Classic
6. BLE compatibility
The BLE module will be compatible with ANT and Bluetooth SoftDevices approved for use on the D52 Module
series as referenced in “3.Conditions of Use” are licensed separately from Dynastream Innovations and Nordic
Dynastream Innovations
ANT and Bluetooth low
Dynastream Innovations
Bluetooth low Energy
Nordic Semiconductor