Technical information

Everybody talks about the concepts of “ef ciency” and "low consumption”. Therefore, the less energy a
product consumes, the happier customers will be, since it means saving money on a daily basis, which will
consequently result in more signi cant long-term savings.
However, taking into account that most electrical heating systems offer 100% energy ef ciency, as shown
below, how can we ensure energy savings across different electric heating systems? Furthermore, what
about when it comes to similar systems from different manufacturers?
The key is accurate temperature control management. A heater that provides the desired temperature in a
particular room is not enough; it has to achieve this using as little energy as possible.
Large uctuations in room temperature lead to higher energy demand, since a change in room temperature
of 1
C means that the heater must start again and take the extra time required to reach a comfortable
temperature again.
Thanks to the highly accurate thermostat and to the thermal sensitivity that GABARRÓN radiators offer, these
large temperature uctuations are avoided. Our radiators offer one of the most ef cient thermal variations
in the industry, with a ± 0.1
C accuracy compared with other manufacturers (± 0.3
C) or even other
traditional room temperature control systems, which can have an accuracy of ± 2
If to this accurate temperature control system we add the concept of thermal inertia, on the basis of which
all GABARRÓN radiators are able to function, levels of performance as well as energy consumption improve
If we avoid large temperature uctuations and manage to maintain an adequate thermal stability, we will
reduce the inef cient use of energy.
Energy saving consumption
Temp. comfort
Temp. comfort
GABARRÓN energy consumption Thermal inertia
(without energy consumption)
Energy consumption that we avoid
thanks to perfect temperature control.
These results are valid for rooms with
insulation and stable enclosures.