Operation Manual

>> work-out parameter >> 04
Personal Training
What do I have to look out for
A work-out on the Fitness Bike can be done by anyone and is particularly easy on your joints. However,
there are certain illnesses and situations in which you should not exercise on the Fitness Bike. Please
read the chapter Safety Instructions in the assembly instructions. For the benefit of your health you
should not exercise on the Fitness Bike if you:
• have acute illnesses like fever, cough, influenza, or other health problems
• do not feel well
Please consult your doctor if you:
• have defects on your heart, lung, or other organs
• have diabetes, high blood pressure or respiratory difficulties
• have orthopedic problems (bones, joints)
• are in medical treatment
• are older than age 35 or a beginner and have not done exercise sports for quite some time
would like to exercise for rehabilitative purposes
For optimal success of the work-out you should consider a few points:
Warm up before each work-out (see p. 009 ”Work-Out“).
Adjust resistance or speed in order to work out in the ranges of intensity indicated!
(see p. 006 ”How should I exercise“).
• It is best to control the intensity of your work-out with a heart rate monitor or with the output in
watts* (see p. 007 ”How do I regulate the intensity of my work-out“).
• Only with regular exercise will you achieve desired effects.
• In case you are not be able to keep up the exercising for the advised times in the beginning try to
cycle for 2 minutes then have a 2 minute break before cycling again for 2 minutes and so on. Reduce
your break time with every work-out and extend the cycling time. Soon you will be able to cycle
continuously for several minutes.
Stop your work-out immediately if you feel uncomfortable.
* only if equipped with watt output function
Work-out parameter
What goals do I want to achieve
To reduce fat, to lose weight, as a healthy work-out
This program is ideally designed for lowering your body fat and to have a positive influence on your
metabolism. A lengthy, continuing endurance work-out with low intensity burns fat and strengthens
your immune system.
To increase the performance of your cardiovascular system
This program will positively affect your cardiovascular system. The cardio-intensity of your work-out can
lower your blood pressure as well as the level of blood fat and blood sugar. The heart muscle becomes
stronger and your general fitness and performance increases.
To increase power endurance, as body shaping
The power program is particularly effective in tightening muscles and tissue and to withstand longer
power efforts. Specific work-outs build muscles and at the same time have a positive influence on
specially problematic zones.