Operation Manual

>> work-out parameter >> 05
What work-out type am I
Our work-out programs are designed for various aims, lengths, and frequencies which all take into
account your individual fitness. In order to determine your optimal program we recommend you to
do the following fitness check. Simply answer the questions and add up the points. The sum of your
points will indicate your work-out type. After some time you should do this check again and change to
another work-out program if necessary.
Fitness check Points
1. How old are you?
Age Points
under 30 years 3
30 - 50 years 2
over 50 years 1
2. Calculate your weight!
• Subtract 100 from your height (in cm)
• Compare the result with the following chart:
What is correct for you?
My body weight is more than 10 % over the calculated result 0
Normal weight
My body weight is equal (±10 %) to the calculated result 4
My body weight is more than 10 % less than the calculated result 2
3. On average, how often have you exercised during the last 6 months?
Doing sports Points
more than twice a week 3
regularly 1 - 2 times a week 2
never or less than once a week 1
4. How do you estimate your curent tness?
Fitness Points
very fit 4
of average fitness 2
slightly below average fitness 0
2 - 6 Points: You are the wellness typ, we recommend that you start o with
the wellness programs.
7 - 10 Points: You are the tness typ, we recommend that you you start o with
the tness programs.
11 - 14 Points: You are the performance typ, we recommend you to use the
performance programs.
Personal Training