User`s guide

Appendix)A:)PVR)Recording) )
2. Recorded!p rograms!are!missing!from!the!Recorded!List.!
A. Verify! that! you! ar e! in! the! ‘Subscribed ’!guid e! and ! not!in! a! ‘Favorites’!
The! name! of! the! a ctive! guide! will! be! displayed! on! the! top,! left,!
abo ve!the!date .!!(i.e.!All!or!Subscribed)!–!Refer!to!pages!9‐1 0!for!
add itional!informa tion!about!available!guides!and!favorites.!
Press! the ! Blue! special! function! key! to! dis play! a! list! of! available!
guides!and!select!‘Subscribed’!or!press!G UIDE!multiple!times!until!
Che ck!your!recorded!list!to!verify!that!the!missing!program!is!no w!
B. Access! to! PVR! recordings! requires! a! s ubscription! to! t he! originating!
channel.!!For!example,!if!recorded!a!mov ie!on!HBO!but !late r!canceled!
your! HBO! subscription,! the! recorded! program! will! no! longer! be!
available!to!watch.!!Please!contact!our! Customer!Service! dep artment!
Re‐subscribing! to! the! originating! channel! wi ll! allow! you! to! view!
the! recorde d!program!if!it!has!not!been!deleted.!
The!recorded!program!may!still!be!using!available!disk!sp ace.!!To!
delete! the! recorded! program,! switch! to! the! ‘All’! guide!
(instructions! above)! and! foll ow! the! step s! to! delete! a! recorded!