Technical data

Communication systems that talk business
Ericsson has a way of making communication go places. So really, it is
no wonder more people make and receive calls using our telephone systems
than any other.
After all, we did launch the world’s first GSM digital mobile phone.
And we introduced our first car phone way back in 1956. So it stands
to reason that we know what we’re talking about.
Our communication systems are flexible, scalable and practical to the last
button. Made for new and challenging ways of working, and exciting
new ways of communicating - whether you’re at the office or on the move.
It doesn’t really matter; the job gets done as you expect it to.
Talking business? Then let’s talk Ericsson MD110 and BusinessPhone
communication systems…the mouthpiece of business the world over.
Making cordless work for you
The one fact the entire business world will agree on is that time is ever
critical. This makes constant accessibility very crucial to operations. At
the same time, each enterprise is as unique as the manifold demands on
the cordless communication that will support it.
Ericsson has pioneered the development of communication devices that will
support a spectrum of working environments. Each telephone, together
with its accessories has been designed and constructed to work as a well-
oiled solution to individual needs.
That is why our cordless solutions have the reputation of enabling people
to be in full control of their time and their environment. And enterprises
to be well connected as a tight, well-informed network that is ready and
available to handle clients and emerging situations effectively and speedi-
ly. Anytime and anywhere.