User Manual

ETC Configuration Guide
Paradigm Serial Access Protocol (PSAP)
PSAP Configuration Guide Page 3 of 7 Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
Standard PSAP Commands
The following section lists the standard types of serial commands that are supported by the Paradigm
Serial Access Protocol (PSAP).
Conventions of Use
Generic names such as “channame” must be replaced with the actual object names used within
the LightDesigner configuration.
Values such as “level” and “amount” must be replaced with either a value of 0-255 or 0-100%.
Both formats are supported; use of the percent “%” symbol indicates when the value should be
treated as a percentage.
Items listed inside of braces “[ ]“are optional parameters that use a comma “,” as a delimiter.
White space must separate individual command parameters. White spaces are allowed in object
names as well.
By default, an ASCII carriage return character (which is encoded as 13 decimal and 0D Hex)
is used to terminate or signal the end of any command, received or sent. Contact ETC
Professional Services if support for another terminating character is required.
PSAP will return a list of available commands by issuing either ? or help followed by the
terminating character (by default this is a carriage return).
Control Channel Commands
Group Commands
Fade time format is x.y seconds, with support for tenths of seconds. To use fadetime parameter in your
group command, you must specify a space name.
All names are case sensitive and must match the names to LightDesigner exactly.
Additionally, to allow for proper operation avoid the use of commas “,” and colons “:”
in configuration object names since these characters are instrumental in the string
parsing logic.
Received Data Resulting Action
chan int:level channame[, spacename] Sets intensity to level
chan ras:amount channame[, spacename] Raises intensity by amount
chan low:amount channame[, spacename] Lowers intensity by amount
chan tog channame[, spacename] Toggles intensity
chan min:level channame[,spacename] Sets minimum level for a channel
chan max:level channame[,spacename] Sets maximum level for a channel
chan int:128 Zone 1 sets Zone 1 to 50% intensity
chan int:75% Dimmer 2, Primary Space 1 Sets Dimmer 2 in Primary Space 1 to 75%
Remember, received commands are only considered complete once the terminating
character has been received by Paradigm. Data sent from the P-ACP will also end with
the terminating character.
Received Data Resulting Action
grp int:level grpname[, spacename][, fadetime] Sets intensity to level value
grp ras:amount grpname[, spacename][, fadetime] Raises intensity by amount
grp low:amount grpname[, spacename][, fadetime] Lowers intensity by amount
grp tog grpname[, spacename][, fadetime] Toggles Group intensity
grp int:128 Group 1, 3
sets Group 1 intensity to 50% using a
3 second fade