User Manual

ETC Configuration Guide
Paradigm Serial Access Protocol (PSAP)
PSAP Configuration Guide Page 4 of 7 Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
Preset Commands
Fade time format is x.y seconds, with support for tenths of seconds. To use fadetime parameter in your
preset command, you must specify a space name.
Sequence Commands
Space Commands
Wall Commands
Received Data Resulting Action
pst act presetname[, spacename][, fadetime] Activate (using LTP playback),
pst dact presetname[, spacename][, fadetime] Deactivate
pst tog presetname[, spacename][, fadetime] Inverts Preset state (using LTP playback)
pst rec presetname[, spacename] Records a Preset
pst act Preset 1, Primary Space 1, 5
activates Preset 1 in Primary Space 1 using a 5
second fade
Received Data Resulting Action
seq start sequencename[, spacename] Start playback
seq stop sequencename[, spacename] Stops playback
seq pause sequencename Pause playback
seq resume sequencename Resume playback
seq ras:amount sequencename Raises by amount (requires active Sequence)
seq low:amount sequencename Lowers by amount (requires active Sequence)
seq rate:faderate sequencename Sets Sequence playback rate to level
seq start Sequence 1 starts Sequence 1
Received Data Resulting Action
spc off spacename Activates Off within the Space
spc ras:amount spacename Raises all intensities by amount
spc low:amount spacename Lowers all intensities by amount
spc master:level spacename Sets Master level for the Space to level
spc off Primary Space 1 activates the “Off” preset in Primary Space 1
Received Data Resulting Action
wall open wallname[, spacename] Opens a wall
wall close wallname[, spacename] Closes a wall
wall tog wallname[, spacename] Toggles wall state
wall open Wall 1 opens Wall 1
Spacename must be used to specify the parent space containing the wall, not the
spaces combined through the wall.